My 1999 View on Holistic Business Strategy Services
Posted by cheuer in Leadership, SocialMedia on October 3rd, 2009
Forgot about this page, but just seeing all the talk about the need for executives to take a more holistic approach to business made me look. This old static html page described the services I was offering in 1999 for my now closed consulting and software development firm called Conversal. It was a bit ahead of its time, and I really never connected with big brands to do this the way I wanted to… but of course this was also inhibited by the crash and my great time working with Palm, Inc.
I have been ahead of my time a few times too often. It seems like now with the rise of social media and the emergence of social business design, many of these ideas need to be dusted off and rewritten. For now, I will just quote it in its old entirety and add to it this weekend…
Holistic Business Strategy Consulting
Holistic – (adj) – taking
a view of the whole rather than focusing on the components;
the fundamental approach executives should take in setting strategy;
also used in holistic medicine, where a practicioner looks at
the whole body to diagnose a health problem and provide the
best solution.
Don’t get us confused with some new
age group wearing purple Nike’s and bringing a bunch of crystals
into the board room though – holistic business strategy is serious
business that will revolutionize your company. The foundation
of each engagement is based on a holistic approach, looking at
the whole of your situation, not just one part of it. For example,
while engaged on a simple web site redesign project with limited
budget, we were able to discuss and radically improve the company’s
positioning strategy and corporate voice. This has lead to a clearer
and more consistent line of communications with customers and
partners that is being affirmed anecdotally and measurably.With Holistic Business Strategy consulting, Conversal is focused
on helping you to see your entire business in an entirely different
light. While many consultants may offer
you "out of the box" thinking, it is our deeply held
belief that there is no box! Adopting this powerful belief is
the first step in making dramatic improvements in the way you
work, and most importantly, how you feel about the work you do.
This isnt some ra-ra jedi mind trick with a turn of a phrase and
a pumping of the fist. At Conversal, we firmly believe it is fundamental
to operating a successfull organization in the world of today
for you and all of your fellow team members to change your approach
and broaden your situational world view.Conversal’s ability to contribute dramatically to your bottom
line with a Holistic Business Strategy engagements originates
from these core beliefs:
- A successfull business begins with an understanding
of the value your organization creates today and establishing
a simply understood set of brand values which define your potential
offerings and purpose for existence.- Trust must be built between employees, managers,
partners and customers and constantly nurtured.- Communication across all of the channels must
be in an authentic voice while remaining consistent, accurate
and most importantly, honest.- Things don’t always have to be the way they are
today, change can happen in an instant if the situation can
be seen clearly.- Management does not equal leadership. Leaders
earn the respect of their peers and those they lead through
courage, honesty, right action and through a genuine love for
everyone with whom they interact.- In order to be effective, leaders need to see
the forest as well as the trees. The only path to long term
success is through a holistic understanding of your organization’s
strategy, its values and its operations.- Technology for the sake of technology is worthless
– all key initiatives should primarily focus on value creation
for the stakeholders, which means getting them involved in the
decisionmaking process before technology is bought or developed.- The knowledge exists within your organization
today to take you where you need to be tomorrow – you just need
to find a way to listen and respond better.- We are now living in the knowledge economy, where
your assetts walk out the door every night, or at the end of
every shift. Ensuring this knowledge and the people employing
it constantly grow in their ability to innovate, learn new knowledge
and constantly improve must be your primary goal.- There is no box. Whether inside or outside
of a box, people remain to focused on the box itself and what
it looks like, feels like and is. Without a box, your best assetts
will be utilized for your best benefit.If you are curious about what a holistic business
strategy engagement might look like for your company, let’s
talk and see if we both have a good fit for our mutual success.
If you just have some ideas you would like to share on this topic,
we would be glad to hear from you as well. Regardless, we hope
these thoughts may have contributed in some small way to your
knowledge and ultimately your success.
Love, Hate, Fear, Courage, Doubt, Confidence, Life.
Posted by cheuer in Leadership, Personal on September 12th, 2009
If you know me publicly, you may be a bit shocked by this quick post, but if you know me personally, you probably already know this. (it was supposed to be short, but when I am on a roll…)
I have a tremendous personal battle I wage each day to get beyond my fears, to stop worrying and to take even the smallest action. In fact, this post is only coming after what must be a bottle of champagne on my flight to Phoenix… This is in despite what many perceive as my overt confidence, arrogance and occasional intellectually based rudeness.
But its important for you, yes, I do mean you not the other person reading this, to understand that this is normal, its ok, youre ok, Im ok. The thing is, most leaders won’t admit this is what they face, because they also carry the burden of managing perceptions and casting a long powerful shadow so that others who may seek to exploit such traits as weakness will not know where to shoot their slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
In fact, I did have this personally happen to me once when engaged in a negotiation with a former colleague who deliberately exploited my emotional vulnerabilities and my beliefs in fairness and doing the right thing. Good thing is, even he couldn’t change who I was, despite the pain he forced me to endure through the tumultuous process.
But I am hear to oppose this, and to end this for me and hopefully you too.
This all just kinda popped in my head, so I don’t know where I am really going with this, but early today I tweeted that I was proud of my buddy Alan Silberberg from You2Gov for all that he has been accomplishing. Shortly thereafter I was in tears, which has happened all too often on this trip during deeply personal moments when I have been alone, as I am doing once again now.
My mother, used to say this all the time to me. That she was so proud of me. That I could do anything. That I was her miracle baby (both my parents had Cerebral Palsy).
For a long time, no one said that to me, or if they did, I felt it was insincere. Many wonderful women who I have loved (and still do) told me this, and I dismissed such reinforcement as their own shortcomings for not recognizing how fucked up I am, inside and out.
They weren’t of course, in fact, they were and still are perfect, just as they are. We all are, we just don’t often feel that way because we measure ourselves and others against an unrealistic ideal instead of the practical global reality that we are all one, we all suffer through the same psycho/emotional conditions but yet inside us all is the potential for greatness. However, with the burden of needing to realize this potential and not wanting to disappoint, I have all too often run from it to the bottom of a bottle or the escape of a video game…
A fear of failure as much as a fear of success. It’s a miracle I am even still here on this earth and able to do even a tenth of what I do in my life.
Facing Reality
The other day, I came face to face with one of my own deepest fears, when I met Julie Vessigault, aka @potentiallee when she shared with me her own personal story of life’s biggest challenges. In her face though, I saw not the despair or the challenge or the thing I feared most, I saw love, I saw life, I saw a human soul who could see beyond her condition and recognize her own loveliness and her own humanity and her own potential. Her attitude, as I came to know in her tweets and brief interactions online was the same in real life as it was online.
Yet in her face, I also saw my mother. She is not completely what mainstream media or advertising would call normal, she is different, like us all a snowflake to be admired for her differences and her alikeness.
As I explained in my keynote at Drupalcon last week, we have a real problem today with what Shel Israel explained to me as ‘the other’ and what I have been talking about as the “Us vs. Them” problem. If you don’t look like, act like, talk like, believe like, smell like, think like or seem like me, you are the other. As soon as we see other people as separate of ourselves, instead of like ourselves, we all too often immediately shun them, cast them aside and dismiss them as having little to no value to our lives. It may often be expedient to do so, but its not right and it’s the same thing that is feeding the current political upheaval in our country over healthcare (well that and some greedy old white men trying to manipulate others and public opnion for their own personal and financial benefit – see even I do it, but I think it is with good reason here)
It is worsened by the fact that we have transcended (in many parts of the first world at least) our basic needs for shelter and are moving to a higher plane of our existence, where we can be more aspriational in nature, seizing economic opportunities, achieving self realization and also changing the things we don’t like in ourselves through plastic surgery and fashionista accoutrements.
What I saw in Julie was not the other, but myself, or rather what could happen to me, and what almost happened to my mother. If it weren’t for my grandparents taking myself and my mother in, her situation could have easily been mine… and I don’t know that I would still be on this earth much less being able to share this story with you had it not been for them and their love. (and of course my mom’s amazing attitude and ruthless persistence and belief in herself… and me)
Julie loves planes. As a child she dreamt of being a ‘stewardess’, still does. But she doesn’t look like a flight attendant and I don’t honestly think an airline would hire her for that job. She does however love people, and despite what some may see as her quirky social skills, I know she could be a tremendous asset to an airline, especially one like Southwest or Jetblue, which have fully embraced our humanity bringing levity and satisfaction to so many.
So I am going to make a public request to Paula Berg, and whoever is running JetBlue’s social strategy, you should hire her to help with your twitter and other social connections online. At least interview her. This is something I would normally never do and in a sense I feel wary even of telling her story, so I hope no one gets mad at me, but other people needed to know this story too and in my stream of consciousness on this subject, here I am.
But back to the main story and reason for this post.
I’m imperfect, wouldn’t you like to be imperfect too?
I am so far from perfect, its not funny. I have physical problems and pains in my body everyday now, I never could throw a baseball and still cant, I can barely complete a sentence before thinking about something else, my ADD, while not as bad as some, has caused me to suffer deep depressions resulting from my frustrations with not being able to do what others do so easily, I drink too much sometimes, I interrupt people when I should be politely paying attention, I am wrong headed and stubborn in my ideas, I raise my voice in anger too easily, I react without thinking, I have a hard time being present in any moment, I speak in absolutes when I believe the world is grey and mushy and worst of all, over the past several years I have been disrespectful to my loving wife on all too many occasions, often without cause.
Its not that I am short tempered, its that I am often frustrated with trying to explain how I see something, or how I feel and trying to be linear in explaining it gives me a headache sometimes. I am trying to overcome this every day, being aware of it is the first step, and certainly I have mitigated much of this over the last few years to become a lot better at being in the world then when I was younger. I am mad mostly at myself and unfortunately Kristie often bears the brunt of it, yet she keeps on keeping on, forgives me (if only I could forgive myself) and she still loves me.
For this, I want to tell her and you that I am truly sorry. I am moving to a better place personally, emotionally, physically and professionally. I have to. I cant keep living this way.
Kristie Wells is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She makes me proud everyday in every way. She is not book smart and she is occasionally not as eloquent as she would like, but her heart and her soul make up for this in ways to innumerous to mention here. She runs Social Media Club locally and internationally, an idea I had several years ago and which she has been saddled with ‘in order to protect our reputation’ and to fulfill our commitment we have made to you. She is making good money from her job as Community Manger / Social Media Girl with Ribbit and she is putting that money as much into supporting me and trips like this one I have been on as she has put into her own happiness and well being. Then she sends out a DM like this that make me cry again and again:
“I love you very much and bathe in your passion to bring people together. You are inspiring.”
Too often don’t feel that way myself, but do try so hard to do my part to heal the world, to make things right and to contribute whatever value my voice may convey.
She deserves to be treated better. She deserves to be honored. She doesn’t deserve to be yelled at for misspeaking or for forgetting to complete a task I asked her to do to support me. I am sorry I have not been able to transcend my own insecurities, my own fears, my own doubts and my own fears to embrace all of her in the warming cocoon of love and respect she deserves.
Most of all though, I am sorry I have not gotten past these shortcomings to be more effective, that I have not believed in myself enough, nor had enough courage to take the actions I needed to take care of myself, to serve the community and to be bold when the moments have arisen. While many people may see me as a serial entrepreneur, and technically I am, its not because I am a bold risk taker, its because I see no other way and I am driven by the passion of my ideas and my belief that the world can be a better place… and of course by my ego which needs to have external approval in order to feel loved and accepted rather than a love of self which I more often then not am missing in my day to day.
I have another personal post I will share with you in the coming days that speaks to this more directly, along with a plan for manifesting that and changing my life, our lives, but for now, I just need the catharsis of publishing this and coming clean with my higher self despite whatever professional consequences may exist.
The Point
Finally, I am writing this to let my wife know how proud I am of her, how grateful I am that she puts up with my bullshit, how much I appreciate her support, how lucky I know I am to have her in my life and how much I look forward to living the next 50 years with her by my side.
The title of this post has very simple origins – its everything that went into the above, in contrast and in connection with each other, the words that motivate us or prevent us from being all we can be. Love, Hate, Fear, Courage, Doubt, Confidence, Life.
For me, my biggest problem is clear – its fear. Fear of publishing, of being wrong, of being right, of becoming famous – of having demands placed on me that would showcase my weaknesses (despite my belief that Marcus Buckingham is right in “Now Discover Your Strengths”) and a fear that I am simply not good enough, smart enough, loving enough, caring enough or doing enough.
Yes indeed, this is life. Deal with it and keep on keeping on despite it all, just do so with respect for everyone else suffering through the same, worse or better conditions. We are all one. One species with a fate that is not distinct from each other, but intimately tied to our mutual success or failure.
Be bold, be not afraid, I am here with you, struggling just as you are, and yet here I lay my soul bare for all to see and critique. Fuck it. Its me, and I am so much more then a collection of words about my challenges in life. That’s serious.
The time for change is now, and YES WE CAN do it.
links for 2009-08-26
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looks like a great overview of gnomedex, I have more to add to this when I have time\n
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Need to download this myself…\n
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Tough for all the companies that are trying to be a part of the business ecosystem twitter has created, when the platform starts competing directly with the very people who brought it such great success. c'est la vie\n
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I dont think its killing comments, I think its hurt blogging more, but that is a short term (1-2 yr) phenomenon\n
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Good news…\n
Conflict of Interest, Perceived Imprecisely From Afar
Posted by cheuer in Leadership, SocialMedia on August 24th, 2009
I randomly caught this post from Leah Jones talking about Chris Brogan working with Sony on a project after meeting them during a Panasonic ‘junket’ to CES earlier this year. I was going to leave this as a comment but I exceeded the character limit by over 50%, so here is my reply to “Is this trust”
Its an interesting conversation but haphazardly pointed at Chris (a long time colleague and friend, but I am writing here not for him, but for the broader conversation as a whole) While I can understand where there might be some hurt feelings, it should be about an opportunity lost to develop more then a passing relationship. But its not like Chris is Brett Farve and a one and only fleeting opportunity to have loyally fighting for the Panasonic team!
This was a Blogger, being given the VIP treatment at CES. Happens all the time.
Have any of the folks commenting and thinking this is unheard of and rude and insulting been there? If you have then you would know that no company paying for anyone’s way (and I know the Intel Insiders pretty well personally and professionally) would expect they could keep those people from meeting and talking with competitors.
In fact, seeing other competing equipment is a comparison that Chairman Yoshi Yamada is hoping for people to make – because he believes in the quality of his company’s products against those of rivals. From speaking with many other people who were engaged in different aspects of Panasonics CES work, I understand that the Panasonic Chairman is a wise man and do not believe he would fret over such concerns as this.
Chris was not hired to be a consultant by Panasonic, he did not steal their trade secrets to give to the competition, and most importantly he did not harm anyone, not even the PR people behind the CES program. Chris was flown out to CES for his credibility and reach (lets face it, most blogger relations as Chris alludes to is only about reach). Sony hired him to manage a project and for that project to benefit from his credibility and reach.
What’s the common thread? he was compensated for his time… Panasonic got some coverage, some WOM from Chris at CES and a chance to make sure he was considering and trying Panasonic equipment. Sony is paying for his time to run a program, which already by your post has been a bit more successful in getting attention.
For a moment, lets just look at the practical situation one more time. Had this been an invite out to the Panasonic corporate headquarters, and while on that trip that Panasonic paid for, he met with and started selling his services to Sony, that would be something to merit a discussion on trust and loyalty and good judgment… but it wasnt a private meeting, it was the biggest event in the industry with every competitor in the same 2 square mile (or so) area.
I do not even believe this is a question of trust or loyalty, unless you think you owe everyone who gives you something (which is totally so messed up for so many reasons) a debt for the rest of your life. It’s just a matter of business…
And this post titled “Is this Trust” is honestly just an observation that turned into an implied accusation perceived imprecisely from afar that IMHO has no real merit – in fact, I think in re-reading the blog post that an inflamatory, headling grabbing word was chosen for the title merely because it is so prominent now with Chris’ recently published book… I do really think the rightly focused topic is loyalty.
As for whether Chris Brogan is less trustworthy as a result of his working with Sony, bollocks. Trust is about honesty and character demonstrated over time, and there is nothing here or anywhere to indicate that Chris was dishonest…. nor was he disloyal in that he owes no loyalty to Panasonic except respect and perhaps the friendships he might have with various people involved there.
There are plenty of people out there who are not trustworthy and who are disloyal, it would really be great to see more people telling those stories.
Is This Trust as a post title certainly works at getting attention, but it also serves to potentially harm Chris’ credibility.
To illustrate, just on WED someone asked me what I thought of Vivek Kundra being a phony? I heard the allegations, but didnt know any more about the story, so I expressed my optimism about Vivek based on the perceptions of people I trust who know him and went home to find out the latest news… even I was shocked to see that Om Malik had shot down the false accusations within hours of the story first surfacing. Point being, this person was spreading false information caught in a fleeting moment through the stream because he trusted the stream and formed a negative opinion of Vivek that may never be corrected as a result.
The better question here that other’s alluded to rightly is the matter as to what are the potential conflicts of interest we could get into when individuals can be a journalist, a celebrity and a consultant for hire all at the same time.
As for broader lessons learned, its important for brands to not think they are going to own a blogger’s stories if they treat them to a nice time. If a PR firm was selling them that, then there is something to really be upset about.
links for 2009-08-12
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Social London Week?
Posted by cheuer in AdHocnium, Leadership, Personal, SocialMedia, Speaking, Unconferences on June 23rd, 2009
Well its not an official event like InternetWeek NY was, but for me it is a great Social Media Week in London. While I still have a few open appointment slots on Monday morning, the week is pretty booked up. I hope you will be able to join me at some point and say hello and we get a chance to talk about all the ways in which social media is creating growth opportunities and changing the way we work.
Thursday 25 June – 1700-1930pm
Open to everyone
The International Bar (near Charing Cross and Leicester Sq) - Gov2Gov UK
Friday 26 June 1600-1900
Registration Required (sold out, but contact me if you really need to be there)
Canadian High Commission Office - Tweetcamp
Saturday 27 June 1000-1800
Waiting list only now
Richmond, Surrey - Geek Field Trip – Tate Modern
Sunday 28 June 1100-1400
Open to Anyone – Show Up at Main Entrance, Look For Me
Bankside (on the Thames)
So it is pretty much a Social London Week for me and I hope it will be for some of you who join me as well.
The reason I am coming over is for the Gov2GovUK event and all the other opportunities to get together and talk present themselves when you think differently about how to connect with a community. We are really hoping to see Social Media Club take off again in London (Lloyd Davis was organizing Social Media Club events before starting Tuttle).
We are really excited about Gov2Gov as I think it will be the start of something very big, where we are bringing together an array of events to facilitate international knowledge exchange on social media between governments and amongst their citizens. This is one stone that kills about 20 birds, as the outcomes from these sorts of meetings are filled with amazing potential. Not only does it improve international relations and facilitate cross border knowledge exchanges, it creates opportunities for entrepreneurship, business development, new ways towards civic engagement and so much more. Pay attention to the conversation around this as the next announcements coming later in the month are going to be very big… in fact, we will start talking about it on Friday evening, at the Gov2Gov UK event.
I would be remiss if I didn’t give out a lot of credit for this event to Lovisa Williams from the U.S. State Department who helped in so many ways from introductions to organizational support and Dominic Campbell of FutureGov Consultancy who (very humbly) has contributed his expertise, his network and so much more. These are the sort of people that get me excited and make the work we do so much more fun. Am so glad I can call them both friends.
Of course, huge thanks to the High Commission of Canada’s office for hosting the event. Of course, we have always known how great our friends to the north are (particularly Our Vancouver Crew) – I have now found that their representatives in Ottawa and in London are just as wonderful.
So I hope to see you in London sometime this week, if not at our Tweetup on THUR at The International Bar, or The Gov2Gov UK Event on Friday at the High Commission in London, or at Tweetcamp on Saturday, then you better come out on Sunday for our Geek Field Trip to The Tate Modern.
Or, if you want to meet with me independently, I have some time for business meetings on MON morning 29 June and would be happy to book appointments with you while I am in the UK.
Social Media Domains for Sale or Partnering
Oh well, might as well post all the domains I have for sale so we can get them all reviewed at the same time. Some of these below are really really good. Wood still like to do sites for more then half of them myself if possible. There are some possibly great blogs in here that would be great as part of a network. Others are simply great company ideas.
If you are interested in making a serious offer on one of these before I put them up for auction elsewhere (would rather they went to a good home), please comment below or reach out to me through my contact form. For more details on why I am doing this and how we got here, read the post, Help Me with my Digital Addiction.
Again, if you are interested in making a serious offer on one of these before I put them up for auction elsewhere (would rather they went to a good home), please comment below or reach out to me through my contact form.
Chris Heuer Domain Auctions: Web Lifestyle
In my prior post, I spoke about having many more domain names available I wanted to sell now if possible. Here are a few more that are interesting so that you see there are some real quality ones available.
If you are interested in making a serious offer on one of these before I put them up for auction elsewhere (would rather they went to a good home), please comment below or reach out to me through my contact form. For more details on why I am doing this and how we got here, read the post, Help Me with my Digital Addiction.
Help Me With My Digital Addiction
Posted by cheuer in Personal, UnMarketing on June 18th, 2009
I’ll admit it. I am an addict.
I am addicted to buying domain names. I am addicted to the idea of starting something cool and new by registering an address and putting up a digital shingle. Even today I had an idea for a new type of Tweetup where people would take 140 tweets and turn them into a story, so I registered 140× – cool eh?
Well it is cool until you realize you can’t possibly run as many sites as you imagine and have to face the reality of an annual domain name registrar bill in the neighborhood of $7,500usd.
So the time has come to do something about it. We are letting a bunch of nutty names just expire. I am seeking partners (mostly writers) for several domains such as We are actually going to be hosting events such as and and We will also be selling a bunch of domain names to try to recoup at least my registration fees paid and hopefully even make some profit on a few like
All of these domains had some great purpose which never was realized. Some of the names are silly (or rather, some just stink). Some were attempts at new brands. Some were just drunken rants that were too easy to obtain. Some are good. Some are really really good. Many are still valuable. All of them are open for discussion.
So the first batch of names we are going to publish are below. Rather than running it through an auction service, I thought I would offer them up to friends first (would love them to go to a good home). I can turn any of these sites on as a blog in about 30 minutes, so if you want to partner, please comment below or reach out to me through my contact form. You can look at $50 as a sort of minimum if you want to buy one of these from me (to cover costs paid and time invested in transferring) but if its a good one, will need to think about spending more.
Chris Heuer’s Miscellaneous Domain Names List #1
- (this was going to be a service that scrambled your voice and let you leave anonymous audio comments like post secret)
- (was thinking about docents, and centrists and these being guides or something)
- (a complement but opposite of
- (microformats go meta… there was a great idea here but I don’t want to crawl back into that whiskey bottle to find it again)
- (so many great opportunities around collecting community stories, inspired by Derek and The Fray of course, also by our good friends in New Orleans)
- (RSP anyone?)
- (dont ask, dont tell)
- (the next wave of user experience is across the three screens of tv, pc and mobile phone, these are some good domains for someone – they are fresh, not like those unused AT&T rollover minutes 😉
- (OMG, too geeky… though state could be useful since its short)
- (this was going to be a business out of making contests in video streams, like trivia contests – was cool)
- (was trying to come up with a new agency name)
- (K Annotate was a software I wanted to do for knowledge annotation and sharing – we ended up going with Insytes instead since this wasnt so great)
- (someone has to want to buy this for a book review blog – there is real money in this domain name – we can make some killer affiliate revenue on this I think)
- (lost dollar bills meet lost lighters – put stickers on lighters and a reg number and track your bic as it moves around the country and the world!)
- (it meant something as an acronym, but I cant remember what)
- (slotlets are tokens for authentication purposes – when I thought of them back in 2002 it was all about a single sign on system I was trying to get built – would probably be an equivalent of something like oAuth though not as cool or well thought out)
- (this is really cool for a video company)
- (remember those hanging chads? well this could be a great book title)
- (damn I like this one, so much potential here)
Well there are 55 domains and about $2,000 out the door – they could have been great investments, but now its looking like a Domain garage sale with all the little bits and bobs laying out on sheets in my digital lawn… I have many other good ones I will publish tomorrow, particularly the social media related ones, so stay tuned.
Again, if you want to buy any of these or partner, please do let me know…