Introduction | Topics | Praise | Experience
Global influencer, dynamic speaker and in-demand facilitator.
With 20+ years experience as an entrepreneur, digital visionary, creative media technologist, and holistic marketing strategist, Chris Heuer provides an invaluable perspective that frames the modern day challenges of organizations grappling with technology-driven change in an approachable way.
Chris received facilitation training from The Berkana Institute and his colleagues at the National Coalition for Deliberation and Dialog and has put his skills and his knowledge to good use at dozens of high profile conferences and even more unconferences.
Chris is recognized as a world-class speaker and facilitator, hosting round tables and speaking to business leaders around the world.If you are seeking a dynamic, inspirational, engaging, humorous, and big picture visionary for your next conference who will do more then just read his PowerPoint slides or stand behind the podium, contact Chris today about his availability and speaking fees.
Topics Include
- Ecosystem Thinking
- Customer Experience Design
- Holistic Business Strategy
- The Knowledge Economy
- Product Development
- Organizational Transformation
- Social Media and Influencer Marketing
- and much more…
Highlights of Speaking and Facilitating
- Lead Mentor, Google Launchpad Accelerator, 2017-current
- IBM Futurist, 2015-current
- Guest Lecturer QUT, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2019
- Austin Tech Council Mentor, 2018-2019
- Impact Hub Mentor for Austin Affordable Housing, 2018-2019
- Associate Producer, Yountville Live, 2018-2019
- From 2005-2013 he served as founder and Chairman of Social Media Club, the world’s leading organization for social media professionals.
100-word, 250-word, and lengthy Chris Heuer biographies
Headshots (click for links)

Chris Heuer Brings Events to Life
While Chris can speak on a variety of topics all customizable to your specific needs, there are many roles he can serve at your next event including:
- keynote presentations
- as a panelist, as a panel moderator
- workshop design
- interactive sessions
- organize unconferences
- facilitate open space
- facilitate world café
- moderate round tables
- host web shows for conferences
- chair your conference
Feedback on Prior Speeches
I wanted to thank you once again for your participation in the Social Media for Internal Communications event last week. Your contribution added a great deal to the overall program and I truly appreciate all of your efforts.
Amy Gerstein
Conference Producer
Advanced Learning Institute
“My blackberry has not stopped for an instant since your presentation today! I received rave reviews from so many attendees, some of whom were members of the board of directors of PRSA-SF. In addition, the program was so terrific, and of such quantifiable value that non-members of the chapter signed up on the spot to become new members! In the 25 years that I have been affiliated with PRSA, that’s a first.”
Rhonda Silva
VP of Programs & Member of BOD, PRSA San Francisco
Praise for Speaking and Community Leadership
We wanted to reach out to congratulate you–you were specifically called out as being one of the “3 most impactful mentors” they met at bootcamp. ~ Google Launchpad Accelerator Team
This cohort is just amazing. So proud to announce our #ColliderBNE cohort 3, 2019. Led by the inspiring and incredible @chrisheuer, alongside @pjlaurie @JamiePride @QUTCEA. I’m so exited for the next 12 weeks ~ @tmthyh
Loving @chrisheuer’s energy! Contagious. “Engagement: Earning trust, winning wallets & seizing market leadership” #PRSADIconf 12:22 PM Jun 17 2013 – Denise Michelle
love the experience and insight that Social Media Club founder @chrisheuer is bringing to the table #gov20camp 2:12 PM Mar 28 2013 – patrick svenburg
@chrisheuer is an extremely likeable, honest, insightful speaker. #smcsea real, good guy. Lucky @kristiewells, and lucky us! 8:19 PM Feb 24 2013 from txt Tamara
Amazing that @chrisheuer can keep an audience for over 2hrs. So great to meet everyone. I’m following everyone at #SMPDX Lets keep in touch 9:36 PM Feb 23 2013 – Bryan Rhoads
Retweeting @giovanni: If you’re in the SF bay area, go see @chrisheuer ! He’s an amazing speaker and social media’s #1 evangelist. 7:35 AM Jun 23 2008 – Lee Odden Retweeting Giovanni Galucci
@chrisheuer is a effen jedi master. Entire trip worth his comments alone #sxsw 10:27 AM Mar 10 2008 – Nick Huhn
@chrisheuer is giving the keynote speech at SoCon08. Excellent insights on social media and how it is blurring the line between work and personal life 7:45 AM Feb 9 2008 – David Eckoff
Chris Heuer does not miss a beat while talking8:51 AM Nov 6 2007 – Lauren Vargas
I’d rather be listening to Chris Heuer right now. 2:18 PM Sep 28 2007 – Christian Burns
@chrisheuer – you are a living legacy to your mom’s inspiration because you are also the kind who touches the lives of all those you meet. 10:14 AM May 13 2007 – Connie Reece
watching the Chris and Kristie Show, like Seinfeld, but about less: http://tinyurl.com/29z2kp 9:37 PM Apr 23 2007 – Scott Beale
Some of Chris’ Prior Engagements
- ‘Ecosystem Thinking and Redesigning the Startup Game’, July 2019
- Australian American Chamber of Commerce, the Entrepreneurial Imperative for Creative Industries, May 2019
- Coffee with Mr IoT: Chris Heuer, March 2019
- Freshbooks’ “I Make A Living” Series, September 2017
- RocketSpace Corporate Innovation Summit, June 2017
- Ecosystem Thinking Session and Mentorship at Impact Hub Singapore, May 2017
- Ignite Series during IBM Connect, January 2017
- Ecosystem Thinking and Vacation Rental Industry, December 2016
- Customer Experience Design Now (#CDXNow), 2015-2017
- “The Future of” Panel at SXW2O PreCommerce Summit, March 2016
- Chris Heuer demos @GetAlynd at @SFNewTech, March 2016
- Ignite Sessions during Future of Customer Engagement at IBM Amplify, May 2015
- CX Design and Your Customer’s Journey at 15
- PR Summit Conference, It’s 2013, Do You Know Where Your Competitor Is?, July, 2013
- PRSA Digital Impact Conference, Engagement: Earning Trust, Winning Wallets and Seizing Market Leadership, June, 2013
- The Future of Marketing, Illuminators RoundTable Discussion, April, 2013
- National Postal Form, Workshop, Creating Mail Moments that Matter, March, 2013
- Annual Tahoe Snowcial, February, 2013
- IBM Connect: Social Cafe: Digital Engagement Strategy, January, 2013
- Oracle OpenWord, October, 2012
- Pivot Conference, Friends with Benefits: The Complex Employee Relationship in the Social Era, October, 2012
- Social Media Club Vancouver, Social Business in 2012, February, 2012
- White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, Hispanic Community Action Summit, January, 2012
- DC Week, Strategy: Social Good & Marketing, November, 2011
- DC Week, Designing a Post Digital Enterprise, November, 2011
- Blogworld, Walk the Talk: How to Write for a Global Audience, November, 2011
- Dreamforce, Partner Strategies: Demand Generation in the Social Era, September, 2011
- BlogWorld, Making Sense of Social Business, May, 2011
- iStrategy, Leveraging Social Media for the Enterperise, Keynote Panel Discussion, Moderator, September, 2010
- Webcom, Community. From the Heart, May, 2010
- Future of Money, Non Quantifiable Exchanges, April, 2010
- Socia Media for Non-Profits Panel, November, 2009
- SXSW, Do Cool Kids Leave When the Suits Arrive?, March, 2010
- Social Media Camp NYC, Session Leader, June 4, 2009
- Disruptive Media Conference, Toward a More Social Organization, May 8, 2009
- Next09, What’s a brand to do? Meeting the Needs of 21st Century Customers in the Age of the Social Web, May 6, 2009
- Social Media Workshop Birmingham, Social Media Principles, April 27, 2009
- SMCSFSV, The Power of Networks, April 21, 2009
- Northern Voice 2009, Death of Advertising, February 20, 2009
- BrightTALK Digital Media Marketing Summit, Digital Marketing: Then & Now, February 19, 2009
- Social Media Club Seattle, How to Make a Case for Social Media, February 1, 2009
- Ultimate Blogger Dinner at CES 2009, Interview and Introduction, January 9, 2009
- Social Media Jungle at CES 2009, Social Media Principles, January 7, 2009
- SMWorkshop Miami, Social Media Principles and Introduction to Conversational Marketing, December 13, 2008
- PR Newswire Emerging Media Event, Emerging Media Panel, November 11, 2008
- success_in focus California Phi Beta Lambda Stat Fall Business Leadership Conference, Social Media 101, November, 2008
- National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation, Social Media and the Power of Conversation: Everything is Personal Again, October, 2008
- Podcamp Hawaii, Conversations Aren’t Marketing, October 28, 2008
- PRSA SF, Buzz Generation, Guerilla Marketing and Branding via Social Media and Social Networking, June 28, 2008
- ALI Social Media Summit, How To Harness The Power Of Social Media Both Internally and Externally – From Product Development, To Market Intelligence, To Sales, To Communications, To Marketing, To Building Communities, June 11, 2008
- Communintelligence Executing Social Media , Joining the Conversation: Lessons from the Real World, May 28, 2008
- Web 2.0 Expo Blogger Lounge 2008, Interview with Clay Shirky, April 23, 2008
- SxSW, Self Replicating Awesomeness: The Marketing of No Marketing, March 10, 2008
- SxSW, Scoop the Story on your Blog, March 9, 2008
- Northern Voice 08, MooseCamp session: Mobile Video Blogging, February 22, 2008
- SoCon 08, Keynote, February 9, 2008
- ALI Social Media for Internal Communication, The Power of Tagging: An Interactive Experience Workshop, February 6, 2008
- Customer Service is the New Marketing Summit, Satisfaction Beyond the Transaction Workshop Leader, February 4, 2008
- Frost & Sullivan Marketing Conference, Harnessing the Power of Blogs, January 15, 2008
- Blogworld Expo 2007, Understanding the Social Media Landscape, November 8, 2007
- SearchInsider Summit, Universal Search – Have You Responded to Capitalize on the Changing Face of Search Engines? , Devember, 2007
- Austin Social Media Workshop, Social Media Playbook, November 7, 2007
- ALI Social Media Summit, Tagging Workshop, October 24, 2007
- CEA Industry Forum, How to use Social Networking to Manage your Company and Reach your Customers, October 16, 2007
- Graphing Social Patterns, Interview with Tim O’Reilly, October 9, 2007
- BlogOrlando 2007, Business is Personal (again), September 27, 2007
- SM Workshop SAP, Listen.Join.Start, June 11, 2007
- Ignite Seattle, Social Media Club: It’s a Multi-Channel World, April 14, 2007
- Community 2.0 Conference, Community, Self Organization & Governance – Roles & Rules, March 2007
- Revolution in Marketing conference, Remarks on Social Media Club, March 1, 2007
- Content Week, Conference Chair, January 31, 2007
- Web 2.2, The Importance of Social Media, November 9, 2006
- SearchInsider Summit, The Growth of Social Media – What Does It Mean For Your Search Marketing?, November, 2006
- BlogOrlando, Closing Plenary, September, 2006
- Beyond Blogging, Conference Blogger, May, 2006
- Web 2.1, Event Organizer, October 7, 2005
- No trackbacks yet.
#1 by Sonny Mayugba - April 3rd, 2013 at 19:59
The first time I met Chris was when he delivered an amazing keynote at 2013 Tahoe Snowcial. It was bromance at first sight. And beyond that, it was one an amazing keynote. Highly recommend Chris!