I should’ve flown JetBlue
Posted by cheuer in Uncategorized on January 6th, 2008
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are the cots a prescient foreboding?
Posted by cheuer in Uncategorized on January 5th, 2008
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Russell truck 66 spewing garbage on 93
Posted by cheuer in Uncategorized on January 5th, 2008
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thank you simeon!
Posted by cheuer in Uncategorized on January 5th, 2008
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signal monitoring and media
Posted by cheuer in Uncategorized on January 4th, 2008
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Robert Scoble – data pirate or freedom fighter?
Posted by cheuer in Uncategorized on January 4th, 2008
Now of course, I am friends with Robert and respect him a great deal. I also understand that he was testing a new service from Plaxo where I also have friends. I am also a supporter and signatory of the Open Social Web Bill of Rights. Nonetheless, there are some serious issues at play here that bear serious consideration on a deeper level, away from the spotlight of shiny object syndrome…
On this short interview I did at the Boston Utterz Meetup tonight, Chris Brogan and Steve Garfield express their views. What do you think?
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get out of my belly!
Posted by cheuer in Uncategorized on January 2nd, 2008
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Please Join Me for an Utterz Meetup in Boston
Posted by cheuer in Clients, My Utterz, Social Media Tools, SocialMedia, The Conversation Group, utterz on January 1st, 2008
Tomorrow afternoon I am flying out to a very chilly Boston, MA for a couple of days of meetings with the good folks from Utterz (our new client), so I thought it might be a good time to try to meet some other Utterz users too… Chris Brogan, Simeon Margolis and hopefully a few other friends from Boston’s great Social Media Club chapter will be there, talking about how we are using Utterz and what the outlook is for Social Media/Blogging in 2008.
It’s kind of last minute (very), so it will be a pretty low key affair for a couple of drinks and maybe an informal geek dinner afterwards somewhere nearby. We will be meeting at Vox Populi on Thursday January 3 from about 6-8pm. If you are able to join us, please rsvp on the Utterz Meetup page on Upcoming, or if you don’t have an Upcoming account, you can do so here in the comments…
It’s very important that you RSVP – if the group is large instead of small, we may need to go to another nearby venue so the RSVP will give us a way to contact you
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