Foundational Fixes For Economy #alt2bailout

Face-to-face trading interactions on the tradi...

Image via Wikipedia

This morning over sausages and beer at Citizen Space, the talk inevitably turned to the economy and whether it was going to turn around or tank.  The great thing about co-working is the diversity of perspectives you can get in any conversation.  Without the corporate silo walls preventing us from interacting, without being organized by similarity of activities performed, and without anything connecting us more then a shared sense of place, we get by the bullshit and get real.

Anyway, I digress, because my point is more about what we really need to change in order to correct for our broader market problems (though I clearly think the silos between us are uber important).  What will it take? Less Greed?  Sure, but how do we stop one of the most powerful and highly motivating of the 7 deadly sins?  We certainly don’t legislate it all away, its an emotionally charged human behaviour.  No, we must really start the change from within.  Microsharing is perhaps an appropriate meme to leverage – now we need to get on to microgrowing, where we each grow a little bit each day in terms of understanding how connected we are to the world around us and the other people in it.

This was one of the original purposes of BrainJams, and then Social Media Club – to bring together people from a large diversity of backgrounds to see past the differences of culture, style, economic status and intelligence and see into the hearts and souls of each other.  To see that as much as we are individuals, we are also all one.  We are on this earth together.  We are part of this ecosystem less then we are masters over it.  We are in it together.

Whether or not you believe in the butterfly effect or chaos theory, you certainly have experienced the impact that another person can have on you and that you can have on them.  There is no denying that we are all connected in some way – the homeless man and Donald Trump, George Bush and Cindy Sheehan, and even Charlie Manson and the Benedectine Monks.  What we do affects others.  Simple.  What we do affects the earth. Simple.  What others do affects us.  We need to be mindful of this impact and find a way to ensure its balance.  To balance our self interest and drive with the broader interest of the world around us and its needs for our unique contribution to it.

What we need to fix to help our economy is to not reward greed and excess with tax breaks and bailouts but with meaningful penalties.  Perhaps they can use their great talents to serve as community organizers – to solve big problems.

One specific place where a change in perspective can have a potentially big impact is in looking at our unrealistic expectations of investment grade returns of our investment capital after a company has developed a mature market.  We probably need to fix the general public perception about investment markets in the US really.  We need to get beyond the expectations of constant never ending growth of our investments and look more to the long term. More like the Europeans with a 5 year view of the market instead of a quarterly perspective.

We need to shift our thinking of investments into alignment with reality.  At some point, investments in mature markets become consistent profitability instead of a doubling of revenue. The investor reward on this investment has a ceiling, but if it is successful will always reward your risk with income in the form of dividends.  Wow, what a concept!  So instead of looking for my money to grow exponentially, I realize it is providing me with $250,000 in income each year.  That sounds pretty darn reasonable to me.

Wasn’t that how utilities and railroads used to operate?

This is clearly a sociological problem. A psychological problem.  So it is hard to imagine any scenario where our government is going to be able to force this sort of change in society.  That change needs to come from inside of us. Each and everyone of us. We need to be aware of the world we inhabit, our role in it, our stewardship of it and our responsibilities to each other that when honored will reward each and everyone of us.

It starts simply with microgrowth.  Personal development and an acceptance of the reality we are facing as a result of a way of thinking that is not based in reality.  Humans Don’t Scale no matter how big our appetite for growth is.

Is it possible for this change in thinking to ever take place? Whats good about it and whats bad about it?

A view of the world in balance with our place in it is all I am seeking,  There are many ways to that path.   Tag yours with #alt2bailout and lets learn from each other and discuss other issues we need to address along with potential solutions to our problems.

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OktoberFest @ Citizen Space

This is a little of the history of Oktoberfest that Arne Gerhard from shared with us as we prepared for our sausages and wheat beer with some bretzen and sweet mustard. Quite a different brunch then what we will have on Social Sunday, but just as good. Some good conversation too.
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Samantha Murphy – Cosmopolitan StarLaunch™ Video

I am so blessed to know Samantha Murphy. From our first meeting I knew she was going to be a lifelong friend… who wouldn’t want to be friends with such a beautiful and gifted soul who can produce music such as this… Rock on HIghway Girl!

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Interesting Job Post – NOT

Telemarketing office

Image via Wikipedia

This just showed up in my inbox this AM for Social Media Jobs – check it out.


Scam Account
[email protected] INFO:
Online Data Entry Job
siliguri, westbengal, India ( Kathaltala, Sukantapally, Silig)

Join the real Ad Posting Program. We pay for every Ad posted by you,
whether we get response or not. Post as many Ads you can. Create your own
monthly income target. For more details E-mail us at
[email protected].  More Details Visit- .
Call us at  +91-XXXXXXXXXX / XXXXXXX666.

Wow – that is the job I want – posting ads into sites that don’t want them and getting paid.  That sounds even better then telemarketing… Wait, it is better then telemarketing because you don’t really need to interact with people.  This sucks.  It could be a growing trend – wait, it actually is as evidenced by some emails I received in error that were meant for someone else.

So what can be done about this?

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links for 2008-09-19

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Fun with Sticky Notes

This is a really great idea – the guys from eppy bird have done it again – thanks to Scott Beale for the heads up on this!

EepyBird’s Sticky Note experiment from Eepybird on Vimeo.

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My New Space @ Citizen Space

Citizen Space LogoVery excited to make this other announcement today that I am going to be joining a bunch of my friends and colleagues at the local co-working offices of Citizen Space!

When we first secured our offices for BrainJams/Social Media Club in the LookSmart building, we very much wanted that to be a co-working space, but the facilities management policies didn’t allow for it to be a full co-working space.  Instead we sub-leased desks to Stowe Boyd, Greg Narain, Ujogo, My Currency, The Conversation Group and a few other friends.  It was like co-working, but not…

Fast forward to today and I am really happy to be a part of a real co-working space where I can spend my time in a multi-disciplinary environment, hanging with friends, putting on some more community events/salons and generally doing what I love, helping people out.  It is a real stroke of luck that this weekend I saw Tara Hunt tweet about the openings just as I had decided to move on from The Conversation Group – serendipity works in mysterious ways, and this time, in a very awesome way too!

Funny thing is that all my offices in San Francisco have been on 2nd Street, a few blocks apart from each other. I am looking forward to hanging out with Tara, Hillary, Ivan and all the other co-working folks and hopefully also contributing to the broader co-working community.  See you there really soon!

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links for 2008-09-08

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Leaving The Conversation Group…

Starting The Conversation Group with Ted Shelton and Giovanni Rodriguez in the early summer of 2007 will probably be one of my fondest company foundings of my life.  I have learned a great deal and grown in ways I never imagined and I am grateful for having this opportunity.

The story behind this decision is quite simple really, I have a lot of other opportunities I want to pursue right now and it is time to move on and pursue them (or rather one of them in particular that is quite exciting).  I have been really fortunate to work with some great people at TCG – I would say I am going to miss them, but I expect to still see them quite a bit so I won’t.  Over the next month or so, we will be transitioning slowly but I needed to make this announcement now so I can start working on the other opportunities in earnest.

What am I doing next? Well, it won’t be stealthy too long, but I am not prepared to share that yet.  I will have some more to share tomorrow morning and if things work out, more to share later in the week.


Scott Becker – Geronimo CD Release Set 1

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