Archive for category UnMarketing
Help Me With My Digital Addiction
Posted by cheuer in Personal, UnMarketing on June 18th, 2009
I’ll admit it. I am an addict.
I am addicted to buying domain names. I am addicted to the idea of starting something cool and new by registering an address and putting up a digital shingle. Even today I had an idea for a new type of Tweetup where people would take 140 tweets and turn them into a story, so I registered 140× – cool eh?
Well it is cool until you realize you can’t possibly run as many sites as you imagine and have to face the reality of an annual domain name registrar bill in the neighborhood of $7,500usd.
So the time has come to do something about it. We are letting a bunch of nutty names just expire. I am seeking partners (mostly writers) for several domains such as We are actually going to be hosting events such as and and We will also be selling a bunch of domain names to try to recoup at least my registration fees paid and hopefully even make some profit on a few like
All of these domains had some great purpose which never was realized. Some of the names are silly (or rather, some just stink). Some were attempts at new brands. Some were just drunken rants that were too easy to obtain. Some are good. Some are really really good. Many are still valuable. All of them are open for discussion.
So the first batch of names we are going to publish are below. Rather than running it through an auction service, I thought I would offer them up to friends first (would love them to go to a good home). I can turn any of these sites on as a blog in about 30 minutes, so if you want to partner, please comment below or reach out to me through my contact form. You can look at $50 as a sort of minimum if you want to buy one of these from me (to cover costs paid and time invested in transferring) but if its a good one, will need to think about spending more.
Chris Heuer’s Miscellaneous Domain Names List #1
- (this was going to be a service that scrambled your voice and let you leave anonymous audio comments like post secret)
- (was thinking about docents, and centrists and these being guides or something)
- (a complement but opposite of
- (microformats go meta… there was a great idea here but I don’t want to crawl back into that whiskey bottle to find it again)
- (so many great opportunities around collecting community stories, inspired by Derek and The Fray of course, also by our good friends in New Orleans)
- (RSP anyone?)
- (dont ask, dont tell)
- (the next wave of user experience is across the three screens of tv, pc and mobile phone, these are some good domains for someone – they are fresh, not like those unused AT&T rollover minutes 😉
- (OMG, too geeky… though state could be useful since its short)
- (this was going to be a business out of making contests in video streams, like trivia contests – was cool)
- (was trying to come up with a new agency name)
- (K Annotate was a software I wanted to do for knowledge annotation and sharing – we ended up going with Insytes instead since this wasnt so great)
- (someone has to want to buy this for a book review blog – there is real money in this domain name – we can make some killer affiliate revenue on this I think)
- (lost dollar bills meet lost lighters – put stickers on lighters and a reg number and track your bic as it moves around the country and the world!)
- (it meant something as an acronym, but I cant remember what)
- (slotlets are tokens for authentication purposes – when I thought of them back in 2002 it was all about a single sign on system I was trying to get built – would probably be an equivalent of something like oAuth though not as cool or well thought out)
- (this is really cool for a video company)
- (remember those hanging chads? well this could be a great book title)
- (damn I like this one, so much potential here)
Well there are 55 domains and about $2,000 out the door – they could have been great investments, but now its looking like a Domain garage sale with all the little bits and bobs laying out on sheets in my digital lawn… I have many other good ones I will publish tomorrow, particularly the social media related ones, so stay tuned.
Again, if you want to buy any of these or partner, please do let me know…
Up for auction, two creative, social media strategists
Posted by cheuer in AdHocnium, SocialMedia, UnMarketing, Web2.0 on May 8th, 2009

You are bidding on 2 hours of AdHocnium’s consulting services to be delivered byAdriana Lukas and Chris Heuer in London on Wednesday 13 May 2009. This is a one time only opportunity (for this moment in time 😉 This is a low cost way for a smart company to take our minds for a test drive, to see if what we know, and to improve what you are doing with social media, marketing and web strategies to make your organization more succesfull in these efforts. At present, the bidding hasn’t begun, so it is starting off at $50usd!
Why would we auction our time off instead of working hard to get our going market rate of $350 per hour for our time? While the answer is a bit complicated, its also very simple. In short, it comes down to these primary reasons.
Our Story
For a long time now, I have been proselytizing the idea that companies need to stop selling and start helping people buy. This is one way in which this can be done. We advertised our rates on the AdHocnium site for this reason, and are extending the concept to see what people are willing to pay. While we limit the market for our services to a specific geography while I am traveling, reducing our ability to get top dollar perhaps, it is another chance to ‘eat our own dog food.’
The Economy
The mid size businesses, or even smaller ones that are seeiking real competitive advantage and are willing to take bold risks also dont have as much money. An auction gets us in front of people who normally wouldn’t seek out our services. Of course, even if you are in a big company, and perhaps especially so if you are trying to sell the idea of social media within your organization, we can create tremendous value to help you thrive while your competitors are struggling.
Our Experience
No, I dont mean that we dont have any experience and are forced to do this, but rather that we get more chances to work together, on short burstable projects. Doing this auction with Adriana Lukas is a fantastic oppotunity for me to get in front of a client together – to get to know each other better, to learn from her while helping others.
Of course, we also get another client to list in our case studies too. Naturally, the more experience we have, and the more we have doing this together, the more valuable our time becomes over the long run and the more we can charge. The more people giving us testimonials, like Kym Wong, the more you and people like you are going to be willing to trust us too. Kym told me she had a huge return on her investment of $162.50 when I offered this up in DC back in March as an experiment.
Kym’s feedback on eBay was “Got tons of actionable ideas and advice! Worth 10x the price, highly recommended”.
Our Time
While my time and Adriana’s time is maxed out regularly, I always have a few hours when I am traveling to sit down with people and talk about their business and innovative ideas to help drive to the future. When I do, as was the case after my session at Next09 with a few people, I always offer up some free advice… to them as individual’s, not to their company. So if we can get paid a little something, instead of nothing for this, it creates a win-win for everyone. The reality is though, that we both spend a large percentage of our time on community works and big ideas that dont pay the bills in the short term. We simply dont invest as much time as we perhaps should selling outrselves (partially because we dont like doing that).
If we were to try to sell our time actively during my visit to London, it would take dozens of hours over several weeks. If you factor in all the time making the sale, along with the time delivering the education or training, we have to charge a lot to make a reasonable rate of pay. This auction path allows us to be more effcicient, and hopefully get a better per hour return on our time then we would if we worked hard to sell that halfd day so some of the same people who would buy it.
Increasing Awareness
Is this story interesting to you? Might it be something you might try yourself as Rebecca Caroe suggested? Well, that means more people are going to hear about AdHocnium, about me, about Adriana and about others who are doing this with us. Our business model is pretty unuque too, so we get a chance to highlight the fact that we have reimagined what a gobal agency should look like, how it should operate, how we can attract the best and brightest talent and how we are leading our clients into the future. So while some may call it a stunt, it is much more (and honestly, it’s a little bit of that too).
The Auction
So what do you think? Anyone in London want to bid on a 2 hour consulting session with Chris Heuer andAdriana Lukas on Wednesday 13 May 2009? Let the bidding begin.
It’s About Conversation, Not Marketing
Posted by cheuer in Conversation, Future of Media, Insytes, Leadership, Social Media Club, SocialMedia, The Conversation Group, UnMarketing, Web2.0 on June 28th, 2008
After reading The problem with ‘conversational marketing’ I was inspired to express my views on the importance of conversation and the evolution of marketing.
Let’s be clear, the real problem with conversational marketing (other than the God awful term itself) is the ‘marketing’, not the conversation. The human problem with many traditional marketing practices is that they are exploitative in nature, selling/hyping goods and services in the market that are of dubious value, and only benefit those doing the selling. Of course this is not the case with the majority of marketing or marketers, but the extent to which a few bad intentioned actors can create a stereotype that is harmful to an entire group of people is quite stunning.
The gist of the article is correct that product and experience are the most important aspects of the business by providing goods and services to the market that create profits and satisfaction. I wrote about this after our awesome SxSW panel earlier this year in a post called The Golden Rules of Marketing. If you are more interested in the importance of great products as the first step to great marketing, listen to the podcast of the Self Replicating Awesomness session.
My problem is with the article’s dismissal of the importance of conversation over messaging to create understanding. It demonstrates how badly a few buzzword spewing charlatans can hurt the efforts towards transformation across an industry (communications in this case).
As I have demonstrated in unplanned exchanges in numerous workshops I have facilitated over the past year, it is very easy for people to mean the same thing, use different words to describe it and have an argument resulting from their different viewpoints. Conversation in this case, creates understanding, bridging cultures and differences in the use of language – something that a simple published statement or headline (aka message) can not do if no one is able to be engaged, listening and responding.
When those of us who understand what is happening say the words ‘listen and respond’, we are not limiting ourselves to the words we say back to someone after listening. We are talking about what we DO as a result of HEARING them as well as what we say. By listening, and truly hearing what is said, we are also showing that we are paying attention – it speaks volumes about the true intentions of our actions in the market place.
The post’s author sees the biggest proof of the failure of conversational marketing in a 2007 study from 9 months prior to their post:
According to the University of Michigan’s American Customer Satisfaction Index, Dell was at the bottom of the pack in 2007 and actually lost 5 percentage points from the previous year
The author is correct in noting that it is much more difficult to provide a product that meets the market’s needs/expectations then it is to talk with them. Duh! The point isn’t so much that they are talking together, but what they do as a result. To expect conversations between representatives of a company and the market to turn around the culture and operational systems of that company within a matter of hours or days is of course impractical. These things take time. We are all human, people misunderstand, and of course, people make new mistakes which need to be understood and corrected all the time.
The article goes on to further state:
As such, companies should invest first and foremost in making sure that they do a good job of providing consumers with the products and services they want and need.
But of course, in order to understand what products they want, the companies need to listen to them FIRST, deliver the goods, listen to them again, change, deliver the goods again with improvements and so on. This quote shows how backwards the thinking is – companies need to do more up front to understand the needs of the market (traditionally thought of as research, which is of course a form of a conversation) before they invest in producing the goods.
The post goes on to say:
I would also point out what may seem counterintuitive to conversationalists – the fact that sometimes silence is the best indicator of consumer satisfaction.
Apparently, the author – Drama 2.0 – hasn’t read one of Kathy Sierra’s best blog posts called Be Brave or Go Home, which explains why customer silence is not golden if your company lives in the zone of mediocrity. Nor have they read Ken Blanchards book called Raving Fans, nor do they understand the importance and impact of Word of Mouth.
The thing is, that if I buy a computer from Dell (and I am a Mac guy, so the chances are slim), I hope I don’t have to talk to Richard Binhammer about a problem, but he hopes I talk to him about how much I love it. Either way, because I know that they are listening, as humans do to one another, I know that he will help to fix any problems. I know that their intentions are to serve us with better products and that sometimes shit happens. If the intention is made clear that they are not a faceless corporation here to take my money and harm me by selling me bad products/services, I would rather buy from them then anyone else.
This is our philosophy at The Conversation Group, and the main purpose we came together as an agency – to help more companies embrace the spirit of conversation with markets and to move beyond marketing by discovering, engaging and serving their markets in a more respectful and effective way.
Thanks to Rebecca Caroe from Creative Agency Secrets who pointed out this article called The problem with ‘conversational marketing’. (disclosure: two of the subjects of that post, Richard Binhammer and Shel Israel are friends) This is something I was writing about last summer in the post entitled, Stop the Insanity, Don’t Call it Conversational Marketing, and more recently in response to a Doc Searls post (keep getting better Doc, we’re with you) called Clues vs. Trains.
Technorati Tags: social media, conversational marketing, marketing, conversation, media, communications,
The Golden Rules of Marketing
Posted by cheuer in Leadership, SocialMedia, Speaking, THe Social Media Playbook, UnMarketing on March 14th, 2008
Our panel at last week’s SxSW Interactive conference was by far the best panel I have ever had the pleasure to join. Self Replicating Awesomeness: The Marketing of No Marketing included Deb Schultz, Jeremiah Owyang, Tara Hunt, Hugh Macleod and David Parmet who are each absolutely brilliant in their own way, and some of my favorite peers in this field. You really should listen to the audio (where is it?) and I really should do a better recap post then just linking to the Google Search Results, but a few things have been bouncing around in my head for the past few days I wanted to share with you now.
First, several people are attributing to me something I quoted from the CEO of iProspect, Fredrick Marckini, who said “The brands with the best storytellers win.” I wish I could take credit for that awesome insight, but Fredrick deserves the credit. More people should set the story straight when they are standing on the shoulders of our peers – it is a shame so many seemingly smart people quietly sit by and take credit for the work of others, but that is a separate story.
Most importantly, there are three major thoughts about marketing that I have been thinking about deeply that I want to share with you now. The first is my definition of marketing, the second is about marketing’s place in the product lifecycle and the third is about marketings interaction with markets.
- Marketing is the work we do to match a company’s product or service with the people or companies who will get the most value and/or satisfaction from it.
- The best marketing is done during the product development process, where the needs and desires of those who will use the product or service are considered and designed into the product or service with an understanding of the broader marketplace in which they will be sold. You can’t easily market a product that was not well made, but the iPhone sells itself.
- Marketing is not the transactional process with which it has become associated despite its close proximity. If markets are indeed conversations, then marketing is a series of conversations intended to serve the better interests of the market. (David Weinberger has famously said ‘somewhere along the way marketing became what we did TO people’)
Of course, all of this is moot if you don’t remember and live the original golden rule DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. In short, don’t sell people crap, don’t try to pretend that people need your crap and don’t, by any means, try to pretend your crap is not crap – because everyone knows crap when they smell it.
So this is my first draft to attempt to redefine how we think of marketing, or rather how marketing is perceived and presented. What do you think the new golden rules of marketing should be?