links for 2008-02-10
Good blog that someone recommended to me here at SoCon08 – a daily read I hear…
Chris Heuer Speaks: SoCon08
On Saturday, February 9, 2008 Chris Heuer delivered his presentation, “Business is Personal (again)” for the keynote address at SoCon08 in Atlanta. Hear Chris’ pre-keynote thoughts here or read Robert Rhyne Armstrong’s liveblog of the talk. Although the main SoCon 08 site is no longer active, you can check out the Ning and Crowdvine communities.
Amani Channel of My Urban Report also put together a great recap video of the conference:
My Wife is the Bombdiggity
This is just one of the many reasons why I love my wife so much, she just rawks it hard. Thanks honey
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links for 2008-02-08
Lee is one of the sharpest Social Media folks I have met over the past year+ the work he is doing with the Mayo Clinic is outstanding, but his community education is even more significant
Chris Heuer’s SoCon08 Keynote Preview
Thanks to the sponsorship of Sherry Heyl of What A Concept!, I am heading down to do a keynote for SoCon08 in Atlanta on SAT morning. These are a few of my thoughts on what I am going to be talking about… but since I am now battling a sore throat, it may sound like I am babbling a bit. I promise it will be much better on SAT 😉
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links for 2008-02-07
First portion of lazyweb research for book, seeking other book titles from the many experts in Social Media I know….
Chris Heuer Speaks: Social Media for Internal Communication
Chris Heuer is leading an interactive group session at the ALI Social Media for Internal Communication conference on February 6, 2008. In the session participants will interact and discuss how to implement the latest technology tools to assist them in meeting their social media challenges. Chris’ exercise focused on tagging can be viewed below.
Chris Heuer Speaks: Customer Service is the New Marketing
Chris Heuer is leading a workshop at the Customer Service is the New Marketing conference on February 4, 2008.
During lunch Chris will join several others (including good friends Jeremiah Owyang and Deborah Schultz) leading workshops on how companies can build closer relationships with their customers. Chris’ workshop focuses on how to move beyond the transaction to satisfaction – using knowledge to empower customers and turning customer support from a cost into an investment across the customer experience lifecycle. Chris will discuss his methodology for marketing after the sale – how to better educate customers so they get the most enjoyment and satisfaction from a company’s products or services.
Jeremiah Owyang on @superbowlads
Went to Brian Solis’ house to watch the Super Bowl and got to hang with a bunch of great folks like Ben Metcalf, Stephanie Agresta and Jeremiah Owyang who has done a great experiment with…perbowlads – check it out and check out some of the ways people are rating the Super Bowl Ads using Twitter…
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