Just got another email last night from a friend who was in town for the Web 2.0 Conference who says he has the flu. That makes 7 people I know (plus myself) who came down with something after the week’s activities. Anyone go to the doctor yet? Is it just a cold or is flu season fast upon us?
Since my lunch meeting was cancelled today due to one of those illnesses, I am hoping to get down some of those lessons learned from last week to share with everyone. I also have about 120 tabs open in 8 windows that I want to share/talk about – along with a dozen other longer pieces on items of import. Thankfully for me, I am not totally out of commission, but am certainly not feeling 100%
Finally, last night after some serious soul searching, I have mentally and emotionally commited myself to what’s next… expect an announcement at the end of the week. In fact, if you are interested in seeing what we did last week continue and want to be a part, be sure you reach out to me to let me know (seems I dont have the full attendee email list). We are planning a little get together to discuss and would love your input…
#1 by Andy Kaufman - October 12th, 2005 at 16:28
I’ve managed to come away unscathed, but people in my office are getting sick left and right.
I’m looking forward to seeing what you have in store for the future & I’m totally onboard.