Web 2.1: Site stats

A friend asked me how much traffic I was getting on the site and I had not even thought to look until today. It is really interesting to see it go from zero to a thousand plus from site launch on Monday 10/3/05 at around 1am to the day before the event. Also of note, about 20% of tracked referrer links (over 350) came from Chris Pirillo’s post on the event – not only is he a nice guy with some great parents and a great partner in Ponzi, but apparently he is pretty widely read too 😉

One of the things we were going to do at the event, but did not have time for since it was not core to the reason for being there, was to have people show how they heard about the event through a pen and paper built social map in the form of a MindMap. Am trying to figure out an easy way to get this done virtually, but don’t know of any free tools to do so easily – perhaps an OPML list could do it though, so if someone can take a stab at it and let me know, that would be very cool.

  1. #1 by miss rogue - October 10th, 2005 at 12:43

    Chris also just launched Gada.be. You can always search for the buzz on Web 2.1 there!

  2. #2 by Greg - October 13th, 2005 at 17:25

    Chris – try the mindmapping application at http://www.mayomi.com/
    login as web2point1
    password = heuer

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