links for 2006-09-07

  1. #1 by Chris Brogan… - September 7th, 2006 at 11:56

    Wow! I feel like I won the lottery with all that link love. Thank you. What was that? Including PodCamp, something like 7 links? Thank you.

    Regarding “un”… It’s not that I’m trying to disassociate as much as I’m trying to pre-disclaimer that I’m not an expert. I’ve started using un to signify “not an expert, but I know something.”

    Amateur works (and I *heart* Paul Graham’s piece about amateurs), but I hate the SEO-related use of amateur. Much as I like shooting naked polar bear porn, I want the word back, please. Until then? un. : )

    Thanks for all the glorious link love.

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