Credited on Valleywag…

Jason Calcanis - Media AdvisorJust wanted to point out that this photo got picked up on Valleywag (just as Jason Calcanis predicted shortly after he uttered those words attributed to him in the quote). While Jason is indeed pretty bombastic and can be somewhat offputting to most people (including me on at least one occasion) – I do appreciate that he can say it like it is – at least to him. He will often say the things that other people only think, or say in very private conversations. I respect him for that just as I respect Jeremy Peper for the same sort of attitude, even when I disagree with their opinion.

I wonder what it would be like if they could take that same approach with a dose of sugar instead of vinegar and a little more repsect of everyday folks in the process. But I guess if either of them suffered fools gladly, they wouldn’t be who they are, so if for that reason alone I for one am glad to hear their voice as part of the conversation.

  1. #1 by Chris Brogan… - October 2nd, 2006 at 22:19

    The dose of sugar can be tricky though, true? It doesn’t seem to come naturally. Oh well. It was certainly an amazing capture of a great moment. You’re a killer photographer.

  2. #2 by Judson - October 3rd, 2006 at 11:06

    That was horribly rude. If It was because the sound of her voice as you said in the flickr comments , yeah, they should not be podcasting probably, but heck, at least have a little respect and kindness.

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