MindMaps from BrainJams3Dec2005

We are still working on how to best distribute the knowledge and ideas from our last BrainJams event, so please view this as an open experiment. We would appreciate it if you could please post your comments here with any feedback regarding these maps and this process. You can also add some suggestions to the Wiki, where I have posted a page that links to all the maps available for download, or send me additional notes to include in the maps. I need to work through a few more things to get the RSS feed working, but wanted to get this out before the week ended.

We have also published the maps as Web pages. I will not get too deep into analytics here because I don’t waste any more time in getting these out, but here is a basic overview of what is available.

  • Rather than publishing 10 maps as I had initially though, it seemed better to create one big map for the afternoon sessions. The reason being the different note taking styles of our volunteers just seemed to dictate this format. we only have them because of the efforts of Nate Koechley, Charles Merriam, Andy Kaufman and Tom Blosson from MindJet. The tag for this map is BrainJams3Dec2005:AfternoonSessions
  • The end of day “surveys” we did were all organized into a separate map and tagged with ‘BrainJams3Dec2005:Feedback‘. With thanks to Kristie Wells for putting this one together (and learning to use MindManager).
  • A simple web page is located at http://www.brainjams.org/mindmaps/ which will be the location for all maps from all events.

Each map has its own tag created within the BrainJams3Dec2005 ‘tagspace‘. A tagspace is a new concept I have proposed for dealing with tags. I won’t get into it in detail, but the idea is pretty simple – create a pattern of words which average people can adopt to whatever it is that you are doing that is also easily searchable by the different search technologies. Another example of a Tagspace is BrainJams:Planning or as we are using with the sessions from the afternoon BrainJams3Dec2005:AfternoonSessions (which follows the eventTag:portionOFday format. At one point I almost dropped the proposal for Tagspaces but Chris Pirillo has encouraged me to move it forward so I am.

That is all for today – more to come over the weekend.

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