BrainJams3Dec2005 – Last minute update…

It is way too late to be writing this, but here I am sitting next to Kristie trying to print out name badges, registration sheets and all that other fun stuff that needs to be done at the last minute. I have a couple of last minute updates, but first, a quick word of thanks to David Gutelius for the moral support and of course, the logistical support in securing the space with SRI. Extra thanks to Nancy Tubbs, Rachel Murray and Kristie Wells for helping get the space setup this afternoon so all you folks can move it all around tomorrow morning.

We should have plenty of food and refreshments for the 70-80 folks who will be in attendance and lots of good energy at the SRI Conference Facility. Speaking of which, if you have an extra power strip, it would be helpful if you could bring it perhaps as we have lots of power drops but not enough surge protectors.

For the morning BrainJam sessions we figured out a simpler way to make it all work (thanks to some ideas from Nancy), so I feel really good about those logistics now. I also finally figured out what to do with regards to the Journal/Notebook for jotting down all those great ideas you will get from other people. Nate Koechley helped put the final touches on it by assembling it to be printed as a double sided document (reason for blank page 2&4). You can download and print one out for yourself if you would like.

For those of you kind enough to make the $10 donation, we have a journal printed for you in the morning, though we only have 50 sets, so get it early if you want to use one.

Well, I have another hour or so of work, so I need to go. Looking forward to seeing you all in the morning!

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