the changing nature of journalism

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  1. #1 by Rebecca - December 26th, 2007 at 23:39

    Are you sure it’s a 4-man crew? Even in it’s hey-day KGO’s crews usually consisted of reporter, cameraman and soundman. Could be an intern watching/learning, or perhaps a reporter from KCBS or from print.

    All that aside, yes, citizen journalism is growing. I don’t think (at this point) it will take over more traditional media, but it definitely adds texture, color, and a third dimension to it. I personally have learned so much more about food and sustainability (a subject I think is very important to all of us) because of people blogging and vlogging. I knew nothing about the Farm Bill (after 20+ years in traditional media) until this year, and it was due to reading a vast array of posts talking about this very important issue before us in Congress. I did my part by interviewing Dan Imhoff, author of “Food Fight”, and posted it to my site, my YouTube channel, iTunes, etc. to reach as many people as possible. There are so many subjects traditional media skips over due to various reasons, but they are still important subjects to be heard. And that is what I am doing with Cooking Up a Story, giving a voice to people who are working toward making a difference when it comes to food and sustainability.

    We are in an interesting time as citizen journalism gets its legs. With the availability of cameras, phones, and bandwidth, more voices will be heard. But which ones can you trust to be true? Which do you believe? I think everyone ought to consider reading/watching as many posts as possible in order to come to your own conclusions. With so many avenues of communication opening up on the Internet, it is an exciting time.

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