Cingular Sucks Ass

I can hardly believe how incompetent Cingular is. I am almost ready to start a site for people who hate them as much as I do. And hate is a strong word for me, because I love most everyone (except perhaps those folks who backed into our car the other night because they did not bother to look in his rear view mirror, but that is another story I will let Kristie tell). A quick Google Search yielded 492,000 results for “Cingular Sucks“.

We have complained about their terrible systems pretty much since the week we signed up. They have occasionally shined, or rather one of the people in customer service did if ever so briefly. I feel sorry for those people, though I remain frustrated with them all. To have such a big corporation in charge which can not get its basic systems of operation and customer service right is incredulous, but ever so true. Cingular sucks plain and simple and I advise everyone to stay away from them at all costs.

What did they do this time? Well Kristie has been kind enough to deal with our latest billing snafus that resulted from her Treo’s untimely death and resuscitation, but they forgot about me, or just screwed me after the fact. It seems that they never properly credited our account for returning the phones she bought but returned. When she dealt with this problem last month, they screwed up our plan / service bundle again. The last bill included over $400 in per minute charges, even though we had over 6,200 rollover minutes in reserve. She took care of that problem last week and was told we would get a 30 day reprieve from them taking any actions on the account while they sorted out the troubles.

WED night at midnight however, they shut off both our phones (we are on the family plan) so yesterday Kristie was on the phone with them yet again, explaining the problem to another rep. The rep supposedly corrected the problem and restored service to both our phones. Since my Treo’s antenna is broken (anyone have some spare Treo 650 parts laying around?) I did not use it yesterday, but did see that I missed a call last night, which means the service was temporarily restored. Of course, I say temporarily because it is now disconnected once again and pissing me off to no end. The amount of time we have had to invest in correcting their mistakes in intolerable and I have just about had it with them – I think it is time to bite the bullet and switch to Verizon, though I really don’t want to lay out all that cash for the new phone and the early termination fee (they should pay us at this point!).

Are there any Cingular folks out there who even listen to this? I suspect not – if I worked for them, I certainly would not be paying attention to the endless stream of complaints, it would probably drive me into the insane asylum. Well, now I get to wait on hold to try to clear this up once again…

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  1. #1 by Chris Heuer - March 31st, 2006 at 12:22

    Once again, I was told that the supervisor would be taking care of this, and the rep, Evelyn, took care of restoring my service right away. Like I said, it is not the rep’s fault. The CIO and head of customer service however – they should be fired!

  2. #2 by Chris Heuer - April 2nd, 2006 at 17:51

    Later that afternoon it was turned off again inexplanably. Kristie got on the phone and had it restored, but the ridiculous systems of Cingular continue to get even more so…

  3. #3 by JackFlash - April 18th, 2006 at 20:33

    I hate Cingular (singularly bad) to the depth, breadth, and height my sould can reach when feeling out of sight for the end of being. That’s pretty much the most you can hate something.

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