BrainJams DC: A slow but steady start

Having just begun promotions for the DC event late last week, I was happy to see that we do already have 12 registrations (other than Kristie and I) this morning, including 2 people who already sent in the suggested donation of $10. At least we have made our minimum number of participants already and I expect the word of mouth to start picking up today and through the week as I get back to blogging (and reading blogs) and making some more new friends.

In addition to Kristie and myself, 2 of the brightest Web 2.0 luminaries from DC have registered – Stowe Boyd and Ken Yarmosh. Everyone knows Stowe – he is one of the driving forces behind Corante and Ken is fairly famous for his innovative use of tagging via the blogosphere as a means for convening a new form of online conversation via the Blogoposium1 tag.

I just got off the phone with Greg Narain who is working on his new startup called SyncPeople. You may have heard of him from his Beercasting days. We can directly trace the lineage of BrainJams back to him – because if it was not for his random phone call one day last spring from my registration for a beercasting event in Florida, I never would have went to Gnomedex, which means I never would have met Will Pate, which means I probably never would have gone to BarCamp – where I met the people who inspired me to take action myself. Which in the end, is what I am really trying to get across to people – that anyone can take action using the amazing and free, easy to use Web tools that are available to bring people together and make a difference.

So the excitement builds….

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  1. #1 by Greg Gershman - January 24th, 2006 at 08:31

    Hi Chris, thanks for organizing BrainJams, and for picking DC as your next stop. I’m going to do my best to make it out (I had surgery last week and should be back up and running next week if all goes well). If there’s anything I can do to help out, let me know. Looking forward to meeting you next week.

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