Next BrainJam?

Was looking at the calendar and realized that we needed to get on with the planning for the next local Bay Area BrainJam. Based on discussions we had last week, I would like to propose that we hold the event on Saturday November 5, 2005. This should give us plenty of time to get things organized and make the second one even better than the first. Anyone have any thoughts? Any spaces available?

After the BrainJam on Saturday, we will definitely be hosting a BrainOff event, and then I am planning on heading off to the next installment of SuperHappyDevHouse Unfortunately, the rest of November is already booked for me, so it does not present much opportunity – if necessary, we can always push it back to early December, but I think the holiday season should be a time off for everyone.

  1. #1 by Rachel - October 19th, 2005 at 11:53

    fyi – last day of DUX is Sat. Nov. 5th – any chance of making it a Sun. afternoon maybe?

    And what the heck is SuperHappyDevHouse? Sounds like a strange mashup? I mean, I can see what the event is like, but is it a private party?

  2. #2 by Jonathan - October 20th, 2005 at 13:52

    Count me in for the Nov. 5 event.

    btw – I noticed you’re on the attendee list for tomorrows TechCrunch meetup. I hope we’ll see a post about it!

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