Archive for category Personal

Thanks to Orange Labs for a Great Mixr

Pascale Diaine and Mark Plakias from Orange Labs put on a great conversation with traditional French flair about the end of email last week. I love those guys over at Orange – really cool and so darn smart. I really should do a better post on this event, but its 3am and time for bed… Thankfully Debi Jones wrote up an excellent post that summarizes the discussion nicely.

What a great, crazy world we live in out here where you head out to an event 1 block from your office after wrok and get to hang out with these 3 guys – Arrington, Scoble and Loic – during the early dotcom days I used to dream about how cool it must be in San Francisco, and now I get to live it for real – its not as glamorous as one might imagine, but it sure is cool to have the chance to bounce ideas off these smart folks and get to know them as real people.

Speaking of smart folks, Orange had a ton of them – chatted briefly with Bradley Horowitz, LA Lasek, Sanford Barr, Cathy Brooks, Mike Sigal, and a bunch of CEO’s from cool companies. I even talked to Jason from Twitter about why the ‘track’ functionality doesn’t work for me or several other folks I know…

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Great New Mac Aditude

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The Environment Matters – Blog Action Day

I wish I could write something poetic and inspirational that would make a difference in how our leaders think about the environment, but I don’t think I have that power or ability.  I do, however, have a voice, a blog and an ability to do little things every day that may make our stay on this little planet we call earth last a few years longer.  I know that if we don’t take action, if we don’t raise our voices, if we don’t do all we can each and every day, it will never change.  So tonight, I lend my voice to thousands of others as part of Blog Action Day – knowing that alone I can make a small difference and together we can make a big impact.

A few thoughts that have arisen today as I thought about this post:

  • Carbon offsets are a great way to buy a cleaner conscience, but not a great way to reduce carbon emissions – while it is probably from some very well meaning people, I am afraid it has been exploited by marketing people to simply separate people from their money.  That said, it does raise awareness, so it has some really good impact, but I am unsure why everyone is so excited about it…
  • I saw this artist Chris Jordan on the Colbert Report who does some amazing things helping people visualize the sheer size of our waste problem.  He creates art that demonstrates how much trash we really generate in a given period of time.  BIG ART.  His images actually include the real number of ‘things’ we use or throw away in a given period of time (such as a massive image with two million plastic beverage bottles, the number used in the US every five minutes).
  • Forget the global warming or global cooling debate – let’s talk about the fact that the earth is a living system – an ecosystem, in some ways very much like our own bodies.  Plain common sense says that if we keep putting poisons into the system, or taking out huge numbers of natural resources, we are bound to be damaging it somehow.  So let’s just all be considerate of our mother earth as we go about our day, and be a little more conscious of how we treat her….


Chris Heuer’s Upcoming Speaking / Travel

Wow – can’t believe how long this has been in draft mode – I am all over the place over the coming months – hopefully we can catch up at some point in person and chat over some chai tea perhaps?

Today and Tomorrow, I am in San Diego on a social networking panel with Geoff Livingston, author of Now is Gone. We are doing a podcast from my room overlooking the ocean very shortly… the panel is tomorrow morning for the CEA Industry Forum.

Next week I am in New York City from October 22-24. On Tuesday night (October 23) I am doing a Social Media Club talk on “Business is Personal (Again)” with Howard Greenstein and on Wednesday I am doing a short interactive session at the Social Media Summit. This is going to be one heckuva trip east. I will also be heading out to New York again the following week for a little networking shindig we are doing on Monday October 29 and will be available in the afternoon/evening for some quick meetings on Tuesday October 30.

I am also going to be down in Austin on November 5 & 6. We will be hosting a Social Media Club conversation on Monday November 5 and then hosting a paid Social Media Workshop all day on Tuesday November 6 sponsored by the great folks from Dell. If you are interested in attending the workshop, use my promo code CHRIS so that I can prove to the other great workshop leaders (Shel Israel, Connie Reece and Kami Huyse) that people actually read my blog! From Austin, I need to leave a few minutes early and head to the airport for an early morning speech with Marshall Kirkpatrick at BlogWorld & New Media Expo on November 7.

I am then attending the Society for New Communications Research Annual Symposium in Boston on December 5-6… Heading into next year, thanks to a recommendation from our good friend Shel Israel, I am speaking at Frost & Sullivan’s Sales and Marketing Mind Exchange.


Looking good, feeling good… soon to be all good!

With mom the year before she passed So Kristie and I are finally getting serious about the weight loss – I am sure we will lose plenty of weight before the wedding in 3 weeks… Oy ve, the self defeatist bit of me keeps coming out on this one. I have thought of myself as fat (I mean big boned) for so long now, it is hard to imagine myself at a healthy, happy weight again. The last time I was even close to my ideal weight of 215 (which was a pretty fatty 222) was after I had Montezuma’s Revenge down in Costa Rica in July of 2004.

It has mostly been because of the fact that I get the munchies at night, particularly after drinking.  I have eaten some crazy stuff in my day – cheese and ketchup with whatever meat is left over in the fridge for instance.  So just cutting out that will help a lot.  Stopping drinking helps me lost quite a bit just off the top too…

Now though, I have started working with a new coach – a really darn good one too.  Spirtiually aware, but grounded and pragmatic rather than hokey.  Will speak more about Stacey over time, but for now, want to get back to the weight loss…

The photo here is of my and my mom the year before she died. I was in the midst of Guru Communications, the first year I wore a goatee to try to look a bit older and get more respect for my young 26 years of age in charge of a 35 person company.  I was skinnier then because I was broke – mom would give me $5-10 to eat on and get gas for the day – I was living at home at that point, just prior to moving into the sweet SoBe Mansion (not quite, but it felt like it).  Shortly after this I started gaining weight and never went below 200 since.  I felt awesome though – high energy and generally pretty happy, but I never felt that I was good looking – self esteem issues – some of which I still struggle with I guess, which is partly to blame for the weight issue today, but only partly.

Now, however, I am much more comfortable in my own skin and confident in my talents and abilities, though I am completely embarrassed when people think I look like Roger Moore, which is a good motivating factor in itself.  Back then I could never have done the speaking I am doing today – would have been shaking as if I was having a seizure of some sort.   I still have some difficulty even seeing me at 215 pounds again, let alone the 195 I would really like to hit by this time next year, but if I do, maybe I will do that talk show.  I can do it, I just need the support of friends and loved ones – I need to keep hitting the gym everyday, no matter what else is going on and I need to eat the sorts of foods I know I should be eating but don’t.  Of course, emotionally and mentally, it is a lot more complicated, especially lately, but it is totally within my power.

If you can believe, you can achieve…

I scanned in a bunch of photos of me from over the years, in some of which I actually am pretty good looking. Check out the football one in particular – was so stoked that made it into the yearbook 🙂

PS – yes I have had a problem with big hair over the years – pretty damn funny in retrospect


Huey’s Bachelor Party in Las Vegas with Roger Waters mid June

Miami_Holiday_Trip - 17.jpg Well, it’s been a tough couple of weeks, so this is going to be pretty good to get away for a couple of days with my best friend and a few other buddies (unsure who to invite really, so if you don’t hear from me on this don’t be offended). In fact, I will be heading to Vegas shortly after facilitating a workshop with FAST Search down in Los Angeles on the Future of Media June 14 (you should come to the conversation if you are in LA for Digital Hollywood, details will be posted again shortly after they are updated).

I was really pushing back on my buddies about not doing a bachelor party since it is near the wedding date, and I am getting worried about money etc… but seeing that we can have a fun time in Las Vegas with a few friends that is not all centered around gambling and sinning makes it much more interesting for me. In fact, seeing Roger Waters was playing there the weekend we spoke about going down was the real clincher for me, and for my buddy Scott. I last saw Waters play when I lived in DC back in 1999, with Scott, my big brother Zez and our buddy Beeber. That was one crazy night after a great day of golf, a BBQ and a limo to and from the show. If you are going to be in Vegas and want to see the show, I recommend you get some tickets from StubHub right away (though he is playing Oakland right afterwards if you aren’t in Vegas).

Of course, we can still go out afterwards and have a great time running around the city. I don’t gamble much, though do enjoy it occasionally – I am really looking forward to getting some golf in though as I have not had much chance to golf this past year as I would like – maybe do dinner at Joe’s Stone Crabs or Mortons. One thing is sure, it won’t be as crazy as that night we went to the MGM after Community 2.0 with Carfi, LeFever and Jake… Wish I could get my grandfather to come to Vegas or the Wedding to join us, but he won’t travel any more, just plain stubborn about it really… so instead it will be me and my best friend Scott and hopefully a few other good friends who can afford to travel and want to get away for a guy’s weekend.

For a while, I was thinking about doing something bigger like a BachelorCamp, but quickly realized I had no time or energy to put something together like that – no matter how much fun it would be – better off being with a handful of good close friends and making some new memories to last a lifetime…

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Community does not equal Free

Why is it that everyone expects me to advise them on how to improve their business and their Web sites for free?  I don’t understand why so many companies, engaged in commercial activities, come to me with requests for support and advice, but balk at the mere mention of paying for my expertise, time and ideas.  I backed off of BrainJams because so many people thought not-for-profit meant not-for-income, but even now, as a social media consultant and web strategist, I still get people expecting me to be excited about improving their product or service, to help them make more money from it.

Maybe it is in my pheronomes or something…

Are you facing the same problem I am?  Would love to hear your thoughts on this dilemma.


Thanks Kris Krug – U RAWK

While I have a lot of people to thank from this past weekend’s Northern Voice in Vancouver, I especially wanted to make sure I gave a big thanks to Kris Krug and Kimberly for their most welcome and warm hospitality (everyone was so cool). Not only did we have a great time just hanging out with them, but Kris taught me a few more tricks to get more love out of my lenses on that Canon SLR…

Chris HeuerHe shot this photo of me when I was visiting up there in December 2006, which he was kind enough to let me use on a few Web sites and for other publicity photos for speaking gigs etc… Given the current weight situation, its about as good as it gets! Then again, that situation should be improving shortly – I start with a personal trainer in about 9 hours – better get some sleep and start again early…


If Pitney Bowes calls one more time…

Just received our 3rd marketing call from Pitney Bowes today – rather than letting me tell her to take us off their list, she just hung up. Could barely hear any of them, and they could not really hear me because the bullpen they are all in is crazy noisy. If they call again, maybe I can sell her some email software…

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Why is it so hard?

So blogging is really truly “as easy as writing a public email” – but sometimes it just feels so damn hard! Not the act itself, comitting an act of blogging is super easy, just as it is right now, a stream of consciousness, focused on my WordPress posp.php page. It is really the one’s that matter that are the hard ones. I could talk to people all day about the insytes I want to share (and most days that is what I do, talk to people). To actually focus those ideas into the post.php form, however, is a different story.

Last weekend, Kristie and I were having brunch with Robert and Maryam Scoble, along with Francine Hardaway, to discuss Francine’s upcoming conference in Phoenix, when Robert made it clear to me what my real problem was. I am often afraid to write something that is not perfect, that might make me look ignorant or foolish. He mentioned to me that one of the things he has really discovered and now uses as a technique, is to go ahead and write something before having a full and deep comprehension of the topic (publish or perish?) and let his commenters/readers educate him on the subject and/or correct him. Once my audience gets that big, perhaps it will work for me too, but in the meantime, I just need to hit publish more.  Interestingly, Brian Oberkirch mentioned a similar approach the other day, with a very humorous slant on this, but I can’t find the post now…

The reality is that I have worked on letting go and not trying to be a perfectionist for a long time. It is the one trait I dont understand in my psyche – or rather, I don’t know where it comes from. I am certainly not perfect, and believe the Tony Robbins angle that the goal of perfection is the worst goal – to really work on being Outstanding instead as a much higher plane of being your best.

Bottom line – now that I can see this is one of the things preventing me from blogging more freqently, I can do something more about it, but I still wonder why it is so hard? Does anyone else have any ideas or thoughts or suggestions?