My New Space @ Citizen Space

Citizen Space LogoVery excited to make this other announcement today that I am going to be joining a bunch of my friends and colleagues at the local co-working offices of Citizen Space!

When we first secured our offices for BrainJams/Social Media Club in the LookSmart building, we very much wanted that to be a co-working space, but the facilities management policies didn’t allow for it to be a full co-working space.  Instead we sub-leased desks to Stowe Boyd, Greg Narain, Ujogo, My Currency, The Conversation Group and a few other friends.  It was like co-working, but not…

Fast forward to today and I am really happy to be a part of a real co-working space where I can spend my time in a multi-disciplinary environment, hanging with friends, putting on some more community events/salons and generally doing what I love, helping people out.  It is a real stroke of luck that this weekend I saw Tara Hunt tweet about the openings just as I had decided to move on from The Conversation Group – serendipity works in mysterious ways, and this time, in a very awesome way too!

Funny thing is that all my offices in San Francisco have been on 2nd Street, a few blocks apart from each other. I am looking forward to hanging out with Tara, Hillary, Ivan and all the other co-working folks and hopefully also contributing to the broader co-working community.  See you there really soon!

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  1. #1 by hillary hartley - September 9th, 2008 at 17:56

    yay! so glad to hear that you’ll be joining us. welcome!

  2. #2 by Kami Huyse - September 10th, 2008 at 13:12

    Congrats on the new digs and good luck with the changes. Change is somtimes good.

  3. #3 by J.J. Toothman - September 10th, 2008 at 13:58

    I’m rich with envy, Chris.
    @marshallk said this to me when I left NASA for Stanford and it’s such a great sentiment, that I’m quoting it here:

    “it’s exciting to think about what the future will hold for you”

  4. #4 by Noreen - September 11th, 2008 at 17:46

    Congratulations on your new digs Chris! Let us know when your first social event will be to celebrate!

  5. #5 by Chris Heuer - September 11th, 2008 at 20:30

    really excited about this – thank you everyone – just moved in today and it feels great

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