Health Update – Some Good News and Advice

While I was overly transparent in dealing with my health crisis and fears of impending doom, I have not been talking about it as much lately. I did not intend it to become the primary conversation I was having with everyone, but it did. I just really wanted to express myself and get it off my chest so to speak, but I found a wealth of support, new knowledge and great advice in doing so – all unintended but very welcome consequences.

While I didn’t want to write about it or Utter about it at any length, I realized I should put out a post to share what we found out and what is going on now. Overall, my health is greatly improved since facing up to the fact that I am not invincible earlier this year. Specifically:

  • Blood Pressure down to 128/76 from 149/90
  • I lost 48 pounds since Jan 1, 2008
  • Blood tests are all vastly improved, though I still need to watch my blood sugar

The tough news is that the years of bad diet and sometimes excessive drinking took its toll on my body, though some of it could be chalked up to the Giardiasis parasitic infection that I got in Mexico during my wedding. Regardless, I am now needing to be more careful with my diet to manage lactose intolerance, Diverticulosis and what the doctor still thinks is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I drink a lot more water than I used to drink (some with Benefiber + Calcium) and I am working out several days a week.  I also see an acupuncturist regularly and try to get outside every day.

All in all, the biggest lesson that came from this is that no one is invincible and we truly do need to take good care of our bodies first and foremost. I wish I had truly understood this better when I was younger, particularly the part about the need for a high fiber diet and drinking lots of water. Then again, had I really understood the risks of getting diabetes from being overweight, I think that might have been enough motivation to get healthy earlier.

If you are overweight and not eating a healthy diet, please, I implore you, look into the consequences more closely and start to take better care of yourself. The pain and stress that my wife and I have had to endure over the past 4 months was just incredible. I am so very lucky to have such a strong and loving wife in my Kristie Wells. I don’t know that any other relationship could have survived this trauma (and the drama I created as a result).

While I have a lot of issues we have to manage for the rest of my life, thankfully it looks like we caught the major health issues just in time and everything should be just fine.

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  1. #1 by kenekaplan - April 28th, 2008 at 21:52

    Your sharing is our learning. You have shared your talents with so many, I hope you’ve felt much love in return. Seems the more we care for others, we often neglect ourselves along the way. Following your health stories over the past months is keeping me from ignoring the truth. I’ve always seen you dedicated, but you’re re-dedication is even more inspiring. I wish you the best and I’m looking forward to spending more time together in the months ahead!

  2. #2 by Adam Metz - April 28th, 2008 at 23:07

    Chris, every time I see you, you look more relaxed and in better shape. Next time you want to hit the gym or go for a ride, gimme a buzz.

  3. #3 by Chris Heuer - April 30th, 2008 at 10:54

    Thank you both for the kind words – still not out of the woods yet, but on a great path now – one I probably would not have been on without having some sort of wake up call.

    Ken, you really made my day with this comment – all too often we can lose touch with what is really important and not really see the impact we can create. I am really looking forward to learning from you and working on many projects together over the coming months.

  4. #4 by Connie Reece - May 2nd, 2008 at 13:21

    Chris, I’m so glad to hear you’re doing better, and congratulations on the positive lifestyle changes you are making. Unfortunately it is so true that we rarely make these changes until we get the wake-up call. I think your sharing about it can have a very positive effect on the social media community — a LOT of us have the same kind of lifestyle that weds us to our computers and mobile devices and keeps us plugged in 24/7. Eventually it takes a toll on us. Thanks for writing about it.

  5. #5 by Des Walsh - May 2nd, 2008 at 23:23

    Good news Chris
    I can relate to the “damage from youthful carelessness” story and I understand that you are disciplining yourself for the future. I can also say from experience that the body has amazing capacity to restore itself, sometimes beyond what the experts declare to be a “rest of your lif” regimen. You know about the inner game, mate, so you are already ahead :).

  6. #6 by John Biehler - May 7th, 2008 at 11:45

    A little late in catching up on my feeds but I’m glad to hear things are getting better for you.

    I too have had a couple of health issues lately that have made me consider a number of things in my life so I know what you’re going through.

    Take care and I look forward to the next time our paths cross!

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